Carry Money Without Spending It

The Journey of Financial Independence

There are many reasons why people pursue Financial Independence.  Some want to stop having to work in order to live.  Others want to stop feeling like they are a hostage to their work and others simply seek the time and freedom to do things a working person cannot do (at least not as often).  The one most common reason people pursue Financial Independence is to eliminate financial stress from their life, for the rest of their life. The irony is that many who wish they had Financial Independence believe the journey is too difficult and stressful; yet once they are committed and living the life$tyle, eliminating financial stress becomes a significant dividend (pun intended)!

Although Financial Independence sounds like a destination, in reality, it’s an everyday way of life.  In other words, you don’t one day arrive at Financial Independence and then stop doing the things that brought you to the destination.  Rather, it’s a life-long way of dealing with your personal finance; it’s a journey. 

So what does this journey look and feel like? A common behavior of those on the successful path to Financial Independence is that they habitually spend less money than they have. This behavior is not dependent on how much or how little money they have.  These people are typically very happy regarding their financial condition throughout their journey.  They often do not feel like they are misers or unable to enjoy life.  They are not only able to carry money without spending it, they genuinely find it enjoyable to spend less than they could: saving feels just as good, perhaps better than spending. 

The question is, how do these people do it – what is the mindset of someone who spends significantly less than they have? 

First, they don’t obsess over not being at the destination.  They embrace their commitment to Financial Independence as a journey, a way of life.  The more they live it, the more they enjoy living it.  Second, they don’t view their way of life as a sacrifice but rather as a discipline they enjoy (serious runners or bicyclists typically view their daily training discipline as a rewarding, integral part of their life while others may view it as a painful sacrifice).  Third, they like to be around others who are also on the journey, who understand and embrace the fundamental commitment to spend less and save more. That’s how can help!